asked in Technical problem by

Just need some assistance in setting up my new touchaqua XYZ res. The install manual notes to use A as the outlet which I have done and use one of the ports on the top as a inlet which I again have done. I got a slight amount of flow initially it filled up the first component which is the GPU and it came out of the GPU and filled maybe 20% of the next tube out of the GPU which is going to a radiator. I cannot get the fluid to flow any further than it initially did.

 I then looked up a few videos and saw people are connecting the return from their first component to the first input on the side of the res. Not the bottom where the pump is but the one above it. Then there connecting the second component out of the 2nd port on the side and again returning to the front top port on the top of the res. I replicated this and again same results. I've now got the whole res filled, earlier I did not have liquid in the small section where the flow indicator is despite having slight flow as described earlier. But nothing else has changed. the fluid is just where it stopped before and will not move any further. It's almost as if the pump turned on for a second than died.

P.S: You really need to get someone to translate your manuals better. They really are in broken english and because of this they are really difficult to understand. I understand the translation issues, but it is not fair for a customer to destroy a product and you say "sorry improper use warranty void" just because you did not translate your manuals properly. I most likely would not have to have to send this email, and thus would of had a working PC 2 days earlier if the manuals were translated properly.

1 Answer

answered by (109k points)
Dear Customer,

Sorry to hear that.

Would you send us the photo or video to show the problem?

Please send to following email address, and please give the receipt of this tank too. Thank you.





