asked in Technical problem by
I recently purchased a set of 5 touchaqua notos fans. When I use the DRGB controller and a SATA connection to control the LED's, the fan LED's work fine and I can manually change the LED's. However, when I unplug the SATA and use the DRGB header connection from the controller to my motherboard, the fan LED's are very dim and only flicker red. I tried communicating with the LED's through Asus Aura Creator and I can see some response, but I am not getting the full color range or brightness from the LED's as I see with the SATA connection and manual control.

Does the SATA connection on the controller need to remain plugged in while the controller is plugged into the DRGB header or should the header supply all the power for the 5 fans? Is there anything else I am missing?

Please help.

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Jovan,

The controller can't increase the power supply of the DRGB header from the motherboard. A standard DRGB header can provide 5Vx1A=5W of power. It is recommended that the combined length of the LED strip connected to the controller be shorter than 1 meter. If the DRGB header is overloaded, the brightness of the light will be reduced considerably. To restore the brightness, some items plugged to the controller must be removed.
According to upon installation guide, it seems that the power supply from your mother board is not enough for 5 fans. We advise you to have a try to plug the SATA connection in while the controller is plugged into the DRGB header. If the DRGB controller is compatible with your Asus Aura Creator, the color will be the same as Aura, if not, we advise you only use the DRGB controller to control the RGB lights.





