asked in Technical problem by
I purchased a Titan One 1.2 case from Micro Center this week.  Installation went great but after about 24 hours of pump time the pump is now making a rattling sound.  Sounds like small stones and with the clear reservoir, I can tell that there are no bubbles stuck in the pump.  In addition the case was tilted so that as much air as possible was removed from the radiator and cpu block so I don't believe it could be coming from anywhere else.  With the side panels off it seems to be coming from the pump.   Water flow appears to be fine and without problem but the noise coming from the brand new system is concerning.  It did not have that sound when initially filled and didn't appear until it had been running for an extended time.  Any help would be appreciated thank you.

1 Answer

answered by (109k points)
Hello David,

Would you send us the video to show the problem?
Did you clean all the parts of your whole water loop before leaking test?





