asked in Product related by (140 points)

Of course it cannot increase or change anything in motherboard. I have already read exactly same sentence in the manual. I am not talking about standard D-RGB header. Instead, I am talking about D-RGB ports of the specific product "Bitspower Digital RGB Multi Function Controller".

Again, what is the maximum current draw allowed of each D-RGB port of the controller? Or, did you intend to let me know that the controller does not provide any power to LED strips from SATA power supply connection? I assumed that the controller provide power to LED strips directly.

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Kla,

Sorry to make you confusion.
what is the maximum current draw allowed of each D-RGB port of the controller?
The draw of each D-RGB port on the controller is 1A.  
The controller can provide power to LED strips from SATA power supply connection.

Each port need 5V x 1A =5W, total 8 ports, so the power supply should offer total 40w to 8 pcs LED strips on the controller.





