asked in Product related by
What are all the ways I can set this reservoir up?  What do all the fittings do?  What is the long pipe for?  What is the fitting with 3 holes for?  Is the 3 hole fitting meant to be an intake fitting or an exhaust fitting?  Can I have the outlet pipe and 3 hole fitting on the same side of the reservoir?  Thanks!

1 Answer

answered by (109k points)

Hello Chain,
Are you talking about reservoir BP-WTZM250PV2-CLBK?
The long pipe is for water into the reservoir and reducing the bubble.
Is the 3 hole fitting meant to be an intake fitting or an exhaust fitting?
Yes, it depends on you. But the exhaust fitting should be on the top of the reservoir.
Can I have the outlet pipe and 3 hole fitting on the same side of the reservoir? 
Yes, you can do it.






