asked in Product related by

What is the size of the outer 2 threads on the adapter?

I want the 90-degree adapter in carbon black, the 16mm & G-1/4 connectors in gold/brass.

I need the G-1/4 fitting about 15mm & the 16mm compression fittings about 25 mm long. Please advise.

thank you


related to an answer for: Gold Brass Fittings

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello GVJ,

Sorry that we are not sure which size you meant.
If you want the  90-degree adapter in carbon black, the 16mm & G-1/4 connectors in gold/brass, please send an email to follow address, we will quote you.
About 15mm fitting, do you need it with the 90-degree fitting?
The following 90-degree fitting BP-CBWP-C39 is the shortest one.
You can BP-CBWP-C39 +BP-CBEML16-TB,  but it is not rotary.





