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Can I get some detailed information about your waterblock for gigabyte rtx 3080 gaming OC, mostly is the cold plate aluminium or is it nickel plated and the gap between coldplate and GPU (is it sutable for use of liquid metal), how good is component coverage (does coldplate touch VRAM, VRAMs capacitors, industors, mosfets) and thermal pad thickness for those (I would use thermal grizlly pads, not the ones included). and how good is the coolant flow design, because I curently use water block from bykski and my GPU core temps are good, but VRAMs are hitting 105C without overclock, due to poor flow design. And is backplate used also for cooling or is it just for looks.

Kind regards, Rok.

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Dear Rok,

The base of the water block is made of copper with nickel-plated. You can use the liquid metal between the cold plate and GPU. About the coverage and thickness of the thermal pad, you can see them on the installation guide.  It is normal that the VRAMs are hitting because there is no water block on them. The backplate is used also for cooling but it is not cool enough. We advise you can add a backplate water block on the backplate, such as our BP-EVB3090. It is compatible with 3080/3090 series VGA cards.

Best regards!





