asked in Product related by

I've made an order for 03-90-BP-0106-01-ON on Dec. 21,2021 from Titan Rig, Since receiving it, I've had a few issues: leaks, lighting issues and rgb controller problem. I've replaced the CPU block, rgb strips and controller so far and is now about to replace my pump/res as well. So yeah, at this point, that's about everything. Seeing how you guys are in Taiwan, I don't how this will go or how long it would take if I had to RMA it. So, its either spend more time without a PC or spend more money on parts to keep it going. Obviously, i had to spend more money. Anyways, can we take care this?

EDIT: I thought this was a form for direct contact to support, i guess not

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Dear Sin Chuon,

Sorry to hear that.
Would you send us the receipt and the photo to show the problem?
Here is the email address. We will check with Titan Rig and reply to you.
Thank you.





