asked in Shopping guide by

I am eyeing your Black Sparkle 1/2 3/4 compression fittings but
due to the fact that compatibility with compression fittings and
soft tubes is well known ...

... I want to make sure that yours are compatible 100% and they
will fit this tube (EK ZMT 1/2 3/4) because I want 16-18 of them and
I am not planing to go down the trial and error path due to the
cost, so point me towards the right fittings of yours for this tube.

Please help me clarify that and if possible please let me know what is
the base difference between the CC4 ID 1/2 and the CC5 ID 1/2 because
I struggle figuring this out by myself.


Unfortunately your site wont let me register to reply properly so my only way to reply is through editing the main question and hope that you will see it. 

There is no chance I will be dealing with plasticizers ever again so PVC is out of the question for me for soft tubing. Now the dimension of the ZMT are shown bellow and I have hard time figuring out imperial dimensions as long as they are not as exact as metric system is so please help figure this out.   
Internal diameter (ID): 12,5mm (1/2")
Outer diameter (OD): 19,4mm (3/4")

I really do like your fittings but going to invest something like 200 Euro without certainty is out of the question and that makes "Should" not enough as an answer :) 

What compression fittings of yours can fit this tube?

And btw Gaming X and gaming X Trio have slightly different PCBs. There is a screw hole placed between the rams and the chokes in the Trio and they have  put chokes slightly more distant on the right. So your Gaming  X block won't fit it  as it should. It happens for me to be searching also for myself a block for the Trio and this is why I paid attention to your answer on the question placed before mine regarding this query.

So bottom line here is ... "Help me give you my money" by providing a certain and honest answer on the ZMT and fittings now that you have specific metric dimensions.


1 Answer

answered by (114k points)

Hello Edropian,
Our Black Sparkle 1/2 3/4 compression fittings fit for ID1/2” OD3/4” Wall 1/8" soft tube. We are not sure whether it fits for  (EK ZMT 1/2 3/4) tube or not, but if the size is correct, it should fit. Also, we have the soft tube BP-PVCT1234CL-2M too.





