asked in Technical problem by
Just installed my loop...have Touchaqua Sedna 011D distro plate...and EK velocity cpu block and one Black Ince 360 radiator. Everything is together. The pump keeps starting and's making a noise a coupe of bubbles float to the top then stops. Then starts. It doesn't appear to be moving any water and it's filled to the top holes. I have moved my pc all around and it's not helping. I can't believe after all this money and it's not working. I wish I never tried this...freakin' nightmare. Can you give me any clue as to why it wouldn't be pumping water???

1 Answer

answered by (109k points)

Hello Larry F,
Sorry to hear that.
Would you send the receipt of Touchaqua Sedna 011D distro plate and the photo of your whole build to below email address?
Also, how did you connect the pump to the power?

a couple of bubbles, it seems that the bubbles were stopped in the pump and made the pump not work normally.





