asked in Product related by

As you can see in the title, I own a Bitspower Premium Cuboid Reservoir/Pump Combo with a DDC pump. The time has come to disassemble it for cleaning! Do you have any instructions on how to tear this one apart and clean the inside of it? The reservoir is very high quality and was very expensive, I wouldn't like to brake something by doing it the wrong way! Thank You very much any help is appreciated!


1 Answer

answered by (109k points)
Dear Filip,

Thanks for your support.
Sorry that we do not have the instructions on how to tear the reservoir apart.
If you would like to cover the shipping cost, we will help you to disassemble it for cleaning. If you disassemble it by yourself, please use a soft brush and water to clean it. And make sure that there is no leaking after you reinstall it.





