asked in Product related by

This could be technical in nature as well.  I have a cart started: BPTA-P5DP-AC and the reservoir 200 Premium Cuboid (you also have one on ebay).  Inna mentioned in our conversation the I may need an extension "BP-RG"...not sure why, for the top of the pump?  I have my fittings from another company so they match, but I want to make sure I get all of the things I need in one order for this pump installation.  Also would be helpful to get a contact and phone for the USA office


1 Answer

answered by (116k points)

Hi Gary,

Glad to get your message.
You can connect the BPTA-P5DP-AC and the reservoir 200 Premium Cuboid with an extension "BP-RG" or any other fittings you have. You can install them in any place in your case. The pump BPTA-P5DP-AC is not available in our USA office now, but we will send arrange a few pcs this week. Here is our phone for the USA office,
my colleague Inna will help you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Tel: +1(614)323-2883





