asked in Product related by

I will be using the Touchaqua torque reservoir, the Orien waterblock (for the strix/tuf 4090)  and Premium Summit M LE for my I9. I see in the directions that some items specify using a highly filtered water (distilled) where other components recommend your coolant. Since I cant use both, what should I be using? Does either work? Can I use RO water as a substitute for distilled? I think it should be higher purity than distilled.

If I must use coolant, please specify which one so that I can order it.

Thank you for the help.

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Dear Customer,

Glad to get your message.
We advise you to use our coolant BPTA-CMCD500 because it effectively prevents the growth of fungi.
About the RO water, we are not sure how many inorganic chemicals are inside the water to make the scale.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.





