asked in Others by
Hi team,

I'm wondering if it might be possible to have a 'custom' version of the BP-RAMCD5-LN2 made in black versus the chrome/silver version. I'm not using the build for LN2 overclocking, so the pot isn't required, but the reason why I'm wanting the black versions of the LN2 covers is to primarily delete the RGB which the ram sticks have!

I'm doing an all stealth build and would really love it if they were to match! I don't want to use the BP-RAMS22D-D5 because I have previously used those, and personally found the LN2 versions 'better'.

Let me know your thoughts because I'd be happy to pay a premium!


3 Answers

answered by (109k points)
Hi Matt,

Thanks for your response.

How many pcs of the black version of the BP-RAMCD5-LN2 do you want?
asked Feb 5 in Others by (120 points) This is the quantity
answered by (140 points)

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