asked in Product related by

Hello, Trying to mount the Bitspower CR120 Reservoir on top of the Bitspower Leviathan II 240 Radiator with Single Wave Fins (Thickness 27mm) but the screws are not long enough and need to find longer ones. thank you in advanced

also the brackets that came with the reservoir will not allow it to mount on top of the fans that sit on top of the radiator like this

Lian Li O11 Vision + watercooling : r/watercooling

2 Answers

answered by (200 points)

Here is another example how i would like to put the res and pump on top of the vans

r/watercooling - Custom loop O11 vision 7900xtx 5800x3d

answered by (116k points)
Hi Todd,

Sorry that the CR120 Reservoir could not be installed on top of the radiator or fan directly as in your picture. But you can use the CR120 Reservoir with the vertical stand BPM-MBCR120 to stand on the bottom 120 fans or radiator. Such as the example picture in the link.

If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us.





