asked in Product related by
Hi Bitspower.

I placed order 2024120023 for 3x 90-dgree IG1/4 Compact version fittings in matt black.

I would like to ask if its possible to get versions without the yellow bitspower dragon logo branding on the fitting? Not sure if you have laser-etched free versions lying around with no logo branding. If you have it would be much appreciated if you can ship those instead logo branded versions.

If not possible, you can continue with the current order.

Best Regards
Nicklas Seehusen

4 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Hi Nicklas,

Sorry, all of this fitting has been lasered logo.
We don't have the one without a logo.
Thank you for your understanding.
The order will be continued.
answered by (140 points)

I have no idea.

Source: sandtrix

answered by (260 points)

Hi Nicklas,

Thank you for your inquiry! Unfortunately, we don’t stock logo-free fittings. We'll proceed with your current order, but we appreciate your feedback and will consider this for future production.

Source: basketball stars

answered by (140 points)

I have the same problem

source: google baseball





