asked in TITAN series by

What is the part number for the reservoir on the Titan one 2.0? Is it the same as the Sedna O11DS for LIAN LI O11 Dynamic MINI Series (P5D)


3 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Dear Customer,

The reservoir on the Titan One 2.0 seems like BPTA-WDPO11D-AK-K1M.
But BPTA-WDPO11D-AK-K1M does not have an adjustable plate.
It is not the same as the Sedna O11DS for LIAN LI O11 Dynamic MINI Series (P5D). Because this one is for the MINI case.
answered by (620 points)
I am listening to it for the first time.
answered by (140 points)

This is also the first time I've heard about it. Thanks for your question Penalty Shooters. Clear enough. 





