asked ago in Shipping by

Why does my order address only show only the street address but your system cut out the second half of the address, I don't own the entire building so your system better put the second half back in or it won't get devilery! (
My full address which I have put in your system twice already with the flat and floor numbers plus the building name and still your system has decided to cut the room and floor number and the building name out:

Lawrence Poon
Room 1004-5A., Wing Tuck Commercial Center
177-183 Wing Lok St. West
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong SAR

It isn't shown on the online order information for both the payment address and shipping address, even my Paypal is using the same address show about. 

Lawrence Poon


1 Answer

answered ago by (116k points)
Dear Lawrence Poon,

Thank you for your response.
Sorry that the first line isn't shown on the online order information.
We will ship to the address as upon and adjust our system.





