asked in Product related by

I recently asked about the launching of a monoblock or VRM block for ASUS ROG Zenith II Extreme Alpha motherboard.

And you answered me like below, but it seems you misunderstood motherboard.

I was talking about ASUS TRX40 AMD motherboard, not ASUS X299 intel motherboard.

They are seemingly similar though, both VRM layout (such as MOSFET location) and CPU IHS are totally different as far as I know.

You told you're going to release monoblock compatible with ASUS ROG RAMPAGE VI EXTREME encore & omega. But I can't sure whether your product would be compatible with ASUS ROG Zenith II Extreme Alpha as well. 
So, could you check their compatibility in detail and then answer me again?
Furthermore, I also want to know whether you have the plan to release the VRM block only.

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Jimmy,

Sorry that to make you misunderstanding.
BP-MBASX299RVIEO is not compatible with ASUS ROG Zenith II Extreme Alpha motherboard. What we meant is that the outlook of the new block for ASUS ROG Zenith II Extreme Alpha motherboard will nearly like the one of ASUS ROG RAMPAGE VI EXTREME encore & omega. We don't have the plan to release the VRM block only, we will release the whole mono block.





