asked in Technical problem by (180 points)
The fans are each hooked to the sys fan ports on the motherboard.  There are 5, so each fan is connected to an individual power supply. I did have a hub that I was powering with a SATA cable, but had the same result.

The LED controller is hooked to a SATA power line and I have tried plugging in each individually, each on a different plug, all in series (plugged into each other using only one port on the touchaqua control board)

How can I test to see if the LEDs on the fan are broken? This was bought brand new from Microcenter, and have never been installed in another machine.  As I stated in my first post, when I first hooked them up, they worked fine.  It wasn't until I hooked the HD up that the lights on the fans did this.
related to an answer for: Did not fix the problem

1 Answer

answered by (109k points)
Hello Tony,

If that the LED of the fan has been broken.
Would you give us the receipt of Microcenter?
We will contact them and solve this RMA.
Please send the receipt to below email address, thank you.
By the way, did the 3 pin of the fan LED light touch any other metal component?
Any question, feel free to contact us.
Also please CC to
asked Sep 15, 2020 in Technical problem by (180 points) 3 pin of the fan LED respose





