asked in Product related by
The VRAM on my 3090FE runs quite hot even with your block.  I am looking at upgrading the thermal pads to Fujipoly but am not sure if this is already what you supply.  Do you have technical information w/mK on the thermal pads you provide with this GPU block, or have the brand or product number of the thermal pads that are supplied so I can make sure if I buy replacement thermal pads to get a higher rated one.

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Cullen,

Our thermal pad is Fuji poly. Sorry we are not sure the w/mk, maybe about 3w/mk.  But we ever test it with 6w/mk, there was little changes on temperature.
What's about the temperature inside your case? You can make down the temperature around the card as cool as possible, such as adding radiator and fans.





