asked in Product related by
The pump on the Titan One1.2 appears to use a ddc 3.1 pump and I'd like to upgrade to a ddc 3.2 because flow is a concern for a loop with both cpu and gpu. Is that okay for this distro?

Also what fluid additives do you recommend? Plain old distilled water should have additives to prevent growth and corrosion.

3 Answers

answered by (115k points)
Dear Customer,

Sorry that the pump in TITAN One 1.2 could not be replaced by DDC 3.2.
We advise you to only use distilled water since we are not sure the fluid additives will affect water cooling parts or not.
answered by (270 points)
Distilled water will destroy your system. I am not sure why it would be recommended here. You need to find a fluid which will work with the type of metal your system uses (for the heatblocks). Copper or nickel-plated copper are the most common. All systems need some type of anti-corrosion additive as well as a biocide to prevent bacterial growth. You can find a number of premixed coolant fluids which contain both (EK Cryofuel is what I have used with the titan one). Make sure to fully clean the loop and blocks if you have already been using distilled water. You will likely have corrosion already which will need to be carefully and fully removed.
answered by (115k points)
Dear Customer,

Do you add one more pump or water tank kit to upgrade your loop?
We are testing the coolant and maybe release it in the coming future.





