asked in Shopping guide by

I'm looking to add in a water block for the EVGA 3080 FTW3

Is there a pre-fabricated hardline kit that can be utilized with this water block?

Will the existing radiator handle both the GPU & CPU? or will I need to add in another radiator or upgrade the existing pump?

2 Answers

answered by (115k points)
Hello TekRice,

There is a pre-fabricated hardline kit BP-TEKIT-3090EVFTW with this water block.
But it is only compatible with your current Titan X 1.2.

It depends on your requirement of temperature. If you want the temperature lower, adding one more radiator and upgrade the existing pump is a good choice.
If you want to add one more radiator, you have to change the current loop.
answered by (115k points)
Hello TekRice,

Do you add one more pump to your loop? Would you like to share the pictures of your current build? Thank you.





