asked in Product related by
Dear all,

I am very much interested in byuing a waterblock for my 3090 Founders Edition. I saw, that you recently started to offer an active backplate, which is very great. I am now wondering whether it would be possible to get a set of the Classic Waterblock for 3090FE with an active backplate? Otherwise, I would have to buy the "normal" waterblock (BP-VG3090FE) which comes with a normal backplate and the active backplate (BP-EVB3090FE) seperately. This would lead to the situation where I would have one backplate I would not need and where I have to pay for a backplate I do not need.

Is there any option to buy the waterblock as one item with the active backplate?

And a final question: what are the estimated shipping costs and delivery times to Germany?

Many thanks and kind regards


1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Markus,

Sorry that the backplate that comes with the water block is a fixed design. We could not remove it. Would you send your shipping address to follows email, we will check and reply shipping cost to you, thank you.





