asked in Shopping guide by
hello, im looking at starting to buy some parts to watercool my lian li O11 xl (der bauer edition)

i have a amd 5600x cpu

amd 5700xt  blower gpu

asrock x570 taichi motherboard.

i want to get rid of the front panel  to run a front panel waterpump/reservoir combo.

i want to go hard line tubing.

as for fittings im not sure which colour to go yet.

cheers tim

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Tim,

We have the monoblock for Asrock x570 taichi motherboard and the CPU.
The model is BP-MBASRX570TC.
We are going to have a new version front panel reservoir combo for O11D XL. It looks like BPTA-WDPO11DXLA-PWM, but the pump will be different.
It will be available in about a month.
You can search  BPTA-WDPO11DXLA-PWM in the following link and see the installation guide of the whole case.
By the way, will your GPU card be water cooling?





