asked in Product related by
Hello, I am a fan of Bitspower and collecting Bitspower Souvenirs,
Can you check if you happen to have these stock left?

1. Bitspower Q-Dragon Baby Design Doll-2017 //Product Code: BP-2017QDBD
2. Bitspower 2013 Q-Doll Cup Pad (Blue) //Product Code: BP-QDBDCP-BL
3. Bitspower 2013 Q-Doll Cup Pad (Red) //Product Code: BP-QDBDCP-RD
4. Bitspower Q-Dragon Baby Design Earphone Jack (Green) //Product Code: BP-QDBEJ-GN
5. Bitspower Q-Dragon Baby Design Earphone Jack (Red) //Product Code: BP-QDBEJ-RD
6. Bitspower Q-Dragon Baby Design Cable Winder Wrap (Blue) //Product Code: BP-QDBCW-BL
7. Bitspower Q-Dragon Baby Design Cable Winder Wrap (Green) //Product Code: BP-QDBCW-GN

Tanith Sornkajorn

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Tanith,

Thanks for your support! We maybe have followed ones in stock.
Please send an email to us, we will confirm the stock for you, thank you.





