asked in Others by

I have quite a few questions right now about current and previous versions of your products.

I bought the founders rtx 3090 water block back in November of 2020, and now I am revisiting this product page:

And I noticed it says "V2" on it. Can you tell me the difference between the V1 and V2 versions?

I also bought the original backplate cooler, the one without the cutout. The version you apply on top and directly to the backplate came with the V1 Founders RTX 3090 water block. Now I see the only version you sell is the cutout for the Founders RTX 3090 version (attaches directly to the back of the circuit board). How much of a difference would I get for updating to the cutout backplate version? This product:

Back to the water blocks themselves:

Can you tell me the difference between the regular founders RTX 3090 water block and the Mobius version of the founders RTX 3090 water blocks?

These two products;

Vs. this one

Would the new version of the backplate water blockwork with the Mobius founders RTX 3090?

If I wanted to buy a brand new set of water blocks for the founders RTX 3090, is there some discount you can give me?

Lastly, when I purchased the Original Founders RTX 3090 water block, the package came with a sample of black surgical masks that had the Bitspower stamped on them in silver/grey. These masks had some excellent quality to them. I'm interested in buying a personal stock of them, can you tell me where I can get more of these?

I would appreciate as much detail as you can give me with my questions.

Thank you so much!


PS: Go Taiwan!

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Alan,

Glad to get your message.
The difference between the first version BP-VG3090FE and the second version BP-VG3090FE-V2 is the backplate, others are the same. And the function is nearly the same too.

About the cutout backplate version, that the water block can be contacted to the card directly with the thermal pad. It has a better thermal function than the one which contacts the card with a backplate and thermal pad too, at least 5c difference.

About the Mobius water block BPPRE-VG3090FEID, the design is different and looks much nicer. It could not be used with BP-EVB3090FE because the backplate could not be replaced. But you can use BP-EVB3090 directly on the backplate of BPPRE-VG3090FEID. About the discount, feel free to contact us too.

Glad that you like our masks. If you want to buy it, please send an email to follows address, we will send the quotation to you.
Any questions, feel free to contact us.

Lily Wong
Thank you!





