asked in Technical problem by
I recently purchased this item.  One issue I found with a Lian-Li 011d case is that the extension card mount brackets are too close to the rear of the case. with an EATX motherbard in place.  No problem, I thought.  I will just mount the extension card bracket forward one space.  However, the bracket mounts are asymmetrical. when attaching to the front piece, making all adjustments impractical  (boring new holes, tapping, etc...)

Easy fix - Just make the first screw hole line up with the rest.

Better fix - re-engineer a bit to make the bracket piece nearest the front of the case more adjustable.  Make the tab that fits into the side of the front mount into a separate piece, with two versions.  A long version, as now, and a shorter version to use with one slot GPUs

I could give drawings, but there is no place to upload or attach.

1 Answer

answered by (114k points)
Hello Michael,

Thanks for your suggestions. Please send the drawings to follows email address.
We will check and reply to you. Thank you.





