asked in Product related by

Hi, I have purchased (I believe) the titan one? Mini through microcenter (the one in the o11d mini with the front distro plate).   The bundle came with an EVGA 3080ti FTW3, which I am interested in watercooling in the future. I am new to custom loops. 

However, the build only currently comes with one radiator on top, which, though it's large I worry isn't sufficient for a Ryzen 5900x and a 3080 ti.  So I have a few questions:

  1. Will a waterblock (say bitspowers or ek's) fit on the card on the horizontal position and allow the glass side panel to close?  The 3080 ti FTW3 is a large card, and I'm not sure how much more width the waterblock adds.
  2. Does the distro plate (is this just the sedna block for the o11 mini?) at the front allow you to add extra fittings for a gpu?  It looks like there's an extra piece on the back of the distro that just connects two holes, just below where the CPU tubes connect, so I assume it would go there.
  3. Will another radiator fit anywhere inside this build?  Both the bottom and side seem like they would be obstructed by the pump, or distro plate.  Any input is appreciated.  Thanks

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Dear VBits Studios,

Glad to get your message.
1.  No, because the water block for 3080 ti FTW3 is large too. We have this water block BP-VG3090EVFTW at the following link. Or you can exchange the link to our 90 degrees one (BP-VGAMDLAC-A2).

2. Yes, the distro plate allows to add extra fittings for GPU.
3. Yes, you can add another radiator on the bottom or side.

If you need more information, feel free to send an email to follows address,
We will send some photos of the three radiators to you.





