asked in Product related by

You have the none chamfer black brass tubing but is the pre bent also none chamfer as it does not say so in the product paige.

Also why are you the none chamfered one advertised to be only compatible with bits power fittings.Shouldn't it work with any 14mm OD hardline fitting unless you have a different way of measuring millimeters :)


-Tuomas S.

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hello Tuomas S.,

All of our pre-bent tubes are none chamfered. The brass tube also is compatible with other brands' 14mm OD hardline fitting too. But since around the cutting of brass tube, OD maybe not 14MM, maybe smaller.  And then you can use our EML series fitting, which includes an extra Oring for brass tubing. We will revise the information in the brass tube description too. Thank you for your suggestion.





