I purchased 2 Bitspower cooling blocks for Asus Strix GTX 1080Ti along with 2-slot bridge (model BP-VGAB2AC-CL), to be used in ASRock X470 Taichi motherboard.
The motherboard's spacing between the twp PCIe x16 connectors is also 2 slots (this is a link to the SLI card's specs: https://www.asrock.com/mb/spec/card.asp?Model=SLI_HB_Bridge_2S%20Card), however and to my surprise the BP-VGAB2AC-CL bridge comes up short and so it cannot bridge the VGA cards. So, my question is:
Which of these two Bitspower models will be a proper fit for my motherboard: the 3-slot BP-VGAB3AC-CL or the 1-4 slots BP-VGAB14AC-CL?
Thank you in advance,
P.S. The cooling block are awesome btw, great job by your engineering team!