asked in TITAN series by (140 points)


I purchased the Bitspower Touchaque Titan One 2.0 watercooling bundle August of 2021 ad have had no problms until recently, when my pump broke. I bought a new K1M pump, which is working but while replacing the pump, I noticed that the CPU Water Block Summit MS, AMD is leaking from the bottom, only when the computer is running. The leak is coming from the bottom hole where the RGB wire comes from, and I checked my 3080 and noticed stains on the GPU from this leak. Everything still seems to work fine, but I do not know how to completely fix this leak and can't put my GPU back in and use my PC until this is fixed. 

r/watercooling - Bitspower Touchaqua CPU Water Block Summit MS, AMD leaking from bottom

2 Answers

answered by (115k points)
Hi Rogue,

Sorry to hear that.
Would you try to re-install the acrylic tubes and fittings?
And turn the screws a little tight in the CPU water block?
Also please send the receipt for this Titan Kit to us,
I am forwarding it to our USA office, thank you.
answered by (140 points)

@geometry dash meltdown: If your cooling system allows, drain the liquid from the loop carefully. Use a container to catch the coolant.





