asked in Technical problem by
I have several of your BP-MBEML fittings and microcenter over here in the usa sold me tubing that is 13mm for these fittings and they do not go in easily.... the part number on the tubingis BP-NCPLT16-L1000... could you tell me if this tubing is the correct size of do I need the 12mm tubing for the fittings for my watercooling system?

have fitting issue's and would love to get this together and running soon.

thank you

John Nelson

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hi John,

The BP-MBEML fittings fit for OD12mm hard tubing.
And BP-NCPLT16-L1000 is the OD16mm hard tubing.
So they are not compatible.
And OD13mm hard tubing is not compatible with BP-MBEML too.
We have the pre-bend OD12mm acrylic tube here.
And the OD12mm hard tubing and fitting kit too.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.





