asked in TITAN series by
I am trying to build pc with the titan x 2.0 case with the water block come with it. I already bout it  I have 3 motherboard in mind. Which is the gigabyte z690 aorus master and aorus xtreme. And the z790 aorus master. I was wondering are these boards going to fit the case and the waterblock. The size of the aorus master is 12 inches × 10.1 inches.  And the xtreme motherboard is 12 inches × 11.2 inches. Can you please help me. Thank you.

3 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Dear Tiancheng,

Glad to get your email.
The Titan X 2.0 case is compatible with most gigabyte z690 motherboards.
About Z790, you may need to change the length of the OD16mm acrylic tube.
Or change the direction of the CPU splitter on the distro plate.
It depends on the CPU location of the motherboard.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
answered by (180 points)
answered by (140 points)





