asked in Shopping guide by

I’d like to order a water block and an ABP for the water block for a strix 4090.

I dont see a BP-VG4090AST available anymore to combine with the BP-VG4090AST-ABP?

When will it be available or what other system will work?

Thank you


2 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Hi Danny,

You are welcome.
Sorry that the BP-VG4090AST is discontinued.
How many pcs do you need?
Do you already have the back plate water block BP-VG4090FE-BKP?
We will check the stock in other stores and reply to you.

Or would you like the new version BP-VG4090AST-V2.
It has good performance too.
answered by (160 points)


Yes, the new version BP-VG4090AST-V2 would be fine.
What is the model of backplate (ABP) the goes along with it?
If so, I don’t see the accompanying Active Backplate for the new version,

As I am looking for an active backplate as well….

Thank you 






