asked in Technical problem by

Dear Sir/Madam


I own a variety of both soft/hard tubing fittings ( refer to my account ) and  INTERNALLY, some have a CHROME-looking finish, some are WHITE and some are BLACK.

Firstly this is not a complaint or any kind of warranty claim or issue!

I wanted to ask you the following questions please :

1. Is this all Nickel Plating? would you be kind enough to explain why some are different colours as I usually associate Nickel plating as being shiny like Chrome plating.

2. What happens if I have scratched & damaged this plating INTERNALLY so that the Brass Core material is exposed to Coolant fluid ? will this deteriorate the Brass that is exposed and tiny bits of Brass will be stripped and carried around in the coolant solution ?

3. i.e. if I have scratched and damaged this internal plating is the fitting unusable?

4. Also I cannot log into my account from my pc, are able to help?

Thank you for your technical support.

Kind regards,

Max Lord

3 Answers

answered by (112k points)

Dear Max,

4. Also I cannot log into my account from my pc, are able to help?
Would you refresh your website or use Edge to log in?
Or can you log in by the phone?

If still no help, what products do you need?
We will send the invoice to you by email.


answered by (140 points)

Hello! Argumentative essays are designed to persuade readers by establishing a clear stance, backed by evidence and logical analysis. While persuasive essays might rely on emotional appeals, an argumentative essay writer emphasizes factual support to create a convincing case. This approach sets argumentative essays apart from descriptive ones, as they strongly endorse a single, distinct perspective as the right view.

answered by (260 points)

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