asked in Shopping guide by

Dear support,

Happy chinese new year!

i bought a SEDNA GT502 distroplate and in order to buy the correct fitting, i followed the user manual.BUT on the following picture, there's others fittings on the top radiator, on the distroplate  side (circled in red), could you please tell me which part i need to use, since it's not indicated in the distroplate manual?

3 Answers

answered by (108k points)
Dear Hellmo,

Sorry that the manual only shows the fittings which can be seen from the front.
The circle parts in the picture look like 2 pcs of BPTA-90RE and 1 pcs of BPTA-F95.
Please have a try. Thank you.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
answered by (140 points)

I had the same problem when receiving the goods. It seems the details in the user manual make me quite confused. geometry dash world

commented by (108k points)
Dear Customer,

Which part made you confused? Would you circle it in a picture?
answered by (180 points)
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