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Bitspower CPU Block Summit Revo 인텔 에디션

이 제품을 구매하고 싶은데, ihs에서 떼어낸 CPU에 다이렉트 다이로 사용해도 될까요?
그리고 검정색 말고 흰색 프레임도 있나요?

3 Answers

answered by (110k points)

Dear Customer,


Sorry for the late reply because of my Lunar New Year holiday.

Bitspower CPU Block Summit Revo Intel Edition

It can’t be used as a direct die for the CPU removed from the ihs.

Sorry that we only have the black frame.

Or the silver frame which one is not plated.

answered by (420 points)
Thank you for the post Wi88
answered by (300 points)

This is one of the best articles I have ever read on this blog. Thank you for sharing very interesting information. that's not my neighbor





