asked in Product related by
I bought 3 sets of 4 each white 14mm Advanced Compression fittings.  They are awful.  They are extremely difficult to get the cap to thread, they get powercoat everywhere because the caps are so hard to thread, and they leak in operation.  I want them warranty-replaced with regular white 14mm compression fittings.  Those work great.  Thanks.  

Brian Beckstrand

(801) 200-2711

2 Answers

answered by (115k points)
Hi Brian,

Sorry to hear that. Would you send us the receipt for these fittings?
And the photos or a video to show how did you install these fittings with tubes?
Did you chamfer the tube?
Please send them to the following email address, thank you.
answered by (140 points)

@ geometry dash breeze: Thanks for your answer. I got it.





