asked in Product related by (180 points)
Hello! I just bought a BP-VG4090FE-SOLO from microcenter on clearance. Looking at the installation guide, I realized there is a V2, with a substantially different backplate. Should I be concerned about using the V1 backplate?

2 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Dear Customer,

The direction of the inlet and outlet is different between BP-VG4090FE-SOLO and BP-VG4090FE-SOLO-V2.
You can search BP-VG4090FE on our website.
And then you can see some holes between the back plates are different too.
Did you get the V2 water block but with the V1 back plate?
answered by (180 points)
No, i bought the SOLO v1. It has the v1 block and v1 backplate. Should I have any concerns about using the V1 backplate? It appears to be significantly different.





