asked in Product related by

Is the BP-RAMS22-D5 or BP-RAMS22D-D5 compatible with DDR5 RDIMM / registered memory?

Thank you.

3 Answers

answered by (115k points)
Dear Customer,

Glad to get your message.
Mostly our water block BP-RAMS22-D5 or BP-RAMS22D-D5 is compatible.
To confirm the compatibility of our DDR5 water block,
Would you send us the PCB picture of DDR5 RDIMM/ registered memory?
answered by (180 points)

Compatibility can vary depending on factors such as motherboard support, BIOS/firmware updates, strands, and specific hardware configurations.

answered by (160 points)

Câu hỏi của bạn rất hay, tôi đã gắn BP-RAMS22-D5 và thấy dùng rất tốt có sự tương thích cao





