asked in Others by

Is the clarity the same crystal clear as for example the BPTA-WDPO11DEVO-NL?

In the product picture the BPTA-WDPO11DE-P5D does not look clear, it looks milky. I am interested but the milky clarity is not good.

Thank you!

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Hi James,

No, the BPTA-WDPO11DEVO-NL is more clearer than BPTA-WDPO11DE-P5D.
The BPTA-WDPO11DEVO-NL is noted as nearly full clear.
Or would you like the front version of the O11D distro plate?
BPTA-WDPO11D-AK-K1M is the same clear as BPTA-WDPO11DEVO-NL.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.





