asked in TITAN series by
My waterblock for the cpu turns reddish/multi-colored, sometimes flickers and then turns red. Is this a pressure problem? How do I interpret the color coding for errors?

2 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Hi Matthew,

Sorry to hear that.
Would you send us the pictures to show the problem?
And the receipt for this water block?
If the digital RGB color is controlled by the motherboard,
You can try another model of color.
Here is our email address.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
answered by (140 points)

The RGB lights on the CPU block turning red or multi-colored, can indicate a potential problem with the device with a quick fix as troubleshooting can reveal whether the problem is related to the motherboard's pressure or color control just like mastering in the game among us understand the problem and figure out the problem and the rules of the game to fight.





