asked in Shopping guide by

Hello, I just bought this case from Newegg, and im having a really hard time finding the distro plate for this. ( I went to my local Micro Center and bought the plate they said fit which is the Bitspower Sedna O11D EVO-N for LIAN LI O11 Dynamic EVO Series (Normal Mode Version). What distro plate that you guys have fits this case?

2 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Dear Rtyau,

Glad to get your message.
We don't have a distro plate for the Lianli EVO RGB chassis.
But our CR reservoir series is compatible with this chassis.
Such as our CR 360 reservoir. Here is the link.

When you login, you can purchase.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
answered ago by (140 points)

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