asked in Product related by
Hello, I have a Touchaqua Sedna O11D Lite-F for a Lian Li O11 Dynamic that I recently purchased but it seems the ddc pump that is included is non functional. What would I need to do to get a replacement? Could I have a part number for the pump to replace it?

2 Answers

answered by (116k points)

Hi Patrick,

The pump in Touchaqua Sedna O11D Lite-F for a Lian Li O11 Dynamic is K1M.
Here is the link to this pump. The Maximum flow is 7.7 LPM.
We have a stronger pump than the K1M pump.

The model is BPTA-PHCL. You can switch to this pump.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

answered by (140 points)

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