asked in Technical problem by (120 points)
I recently built a computer using the Titan One 2.0. Everything was working great and looking wonderful. However, after building my rig, I noticed that the center fan of the rad was not lighting up, when all other RGB items were working just fine. I didn't see any connections as loose, or not connected, so I decided to take them all off (just the RGB cables for the fans and pump as they were all connected together. When I plugged them all back in, none of them lit up anymore. I have tried several different times with different orders to the cables, and nothing is working. Is there a specific order the cables are supposed to be plugged in the chain?

2 Answers

answered by (113k points)
Dear Tim,

Thanks for your response.
Could you please send the photos or video to show the problem?
Please send us the receipt and serial number for this product, thank you.
The RGB cables should not connect with the pump.
Please send us the photo that shows how the cables are connected.
Thank you. Here is our email address.
answered by (180 points)

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