asked in Shipping by
Hello I have made several attempts to request a refund return address so I can return and unused product I mistakenly purchased.

I am happy to take store credit

3 Answers

answered by (116k points)

Dear Customer,
May I have your order number?
If it is not over 2 weeks and the package is not opened,
You can send it back to the following shipping address. Thank you.


Contact Person: Lily Wong

TEL: +886-4-8819330

Address: No. 87, Lane 619, Section 1, Daxi Road, Xihu Town,
              Changhua,51453, Taiwan

answered by (260 points)

You can return the item if you are not happy with it, I made it easy

run 3

answered by (620 points)
If you opened the package then its return is not possible.





