asked in TITAN series by
I bought a case (i believe it’s the original titan one in the o11d) with the distro block and radiator secondhand, i’m trying to run dual radiators. I can’t seem to find a layout to where i should run the inlet and outlet.

If you guys could help me out please!

2 Answers

answered by (116k points)
Hi Jacob,
Glad to get your message.
Could you send us a picture of your water cooling system?
If it is the Titan One in the O11D, not mini, the loop runs from Top to bottom.
You can locate the inlet or outlet of the pump, and then determine the layout.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
answered by (140 points)

Usually, you should connect from the pump to the first radiator, then from that to the second, before returning to the pump. This usually optimizes performance. You can read more information at basket random, very useful.





