asked in Product related by (140 points)
The slot cover only fits that one case, or at least only Inwin cases. I've been building PCs for more than 30 years and I have never seen a PCI slot cover that is bend the over way around - thus nobody would every expect that it exist. There should be a disclaimer in the shop at the product level, that it ONLY fits to the Inwin s-frame case.

You also didn't get my issue, it's not about the dimensions, the bend is the wrong way around, this is not a slight modification. I wish I could show a picture - but the linking feature doesn't work for me.

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)
Dear Customer,

Thanks for your response.

This PCI slot cover is an old product.  It has been sold many.
Not only for the Inwin s-frame case but also for other brands.
Please send us the photo by email. Here is our address, thank you.





