asked in TITAN series by (160 points)
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I would like to add my 3090 that is already blocked coming from my Touchaqua Sedna 011 kit.  I know I need to also add another radiator so I would like to know if I should add a 360mm rad to the side or bottom,  and what the flow path should be.  The Touchaqua Sedna kit came with a piece of paper showing the proper routing.  This kit does not and I cannot find anything online.

The QR code in the box brings me to a website with  a dead link.  I can click on the model for my kit and it gives a java error and loads 0/0 pages

1 Answer

answered by (116k points)

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting Bitspower.

You can install another 360 radiator on the bottom.
We have sent an email to you with the pictures.

The flow will be from the bottom radiator to the GPU water block and then to the CPU water block.

Would you send us the QR code picture?

We will check and revise the website, thank you.





